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Droidcon Boston '19: App Optimizations: A Case-based Exploration

Discussions around app optimizations and cold start times are nothing new. In this talk, I’d like to take a slightly different approach, taking individual cases for the various Uber apps, and exploring optimizations in a highly contextual manner.

Droidcon Boston - Pluralsight course - Droidcon Boston '19: App Optimizations: A Case-based Exploration
by Droidcon Boston

What you'll learn

Discussions around app optimizations and cold start times are nothing new. However, in this talk I’d like to take a slightly different approach, taking individual cases for the various Uber apps, and exploring optimizations in a highly contextual manner. Though some optimizations are applicable across all Android apps, it can be hard to decide what optimizations to focus on, given the potential impact and the estimated effort. We’ll walk through optimizations around code organization, threading, various networking topics, background work, etc., in the form of case studies for the Uber Rider, Driver, UberEats and Uberlite apps, comparing their individual needs. Through this talk I hope to provide you some insight into approaching optimization for your particular apps, along with exposure to some of the tools and methods we use at Uber for such performance work.

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About the author

Droidcon Boston - Pluralsight course - Droidcon Boston '19: App Optimizations: A Case-based Exploration
Droidcon Boston

Droidcon Boston brings the best of Android to Boston since 2017.

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