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TP3 & KTP: Simple, Fast, and Boilerplate-free DI for Kotlin

Droidcon SF 2019 | TP3 & KTP: Simple, Fast, and Boilerplate-free DI for Kotlin | Daniel Molinero Reguera and Stephane Nicolas

droidcon SF - Pluralsight course - TP3 & KTP: Simple, Fast, and Boilerplate-free DI for Kotlin
by droidcon SF

What you'll learn

When you want to use dependency injection (DI) in Kotlin you need to make a decision: Either you sacrifice your coding style by using a Java library or you choose a Kotlin one where you need to write everything yourself. You no longer have to make that choice. TP3/KTP is a Kotlin first dependency injection framework that provides a simple and powerful API. It is boilerplate-free as all the code is generated at compile time using the fastest incremental annotation processing mode. Moreover, it still offers the fast run time performances of Dagger 2. During this talk for intermediate developers, Daniel Molinero Reguera and Stephane Nicolas will introduce TP3/KTP and its main features.

Table of contents

About the author

droidcon SF - Pluralsight course - TP3 & KTP: Simple, Fast, and Boilerplate-free DI for Kotlin
droidcon SF

droidcon SF is where the industry's leading Android experts converge to support the Android platform and create a strong network for developers and companies.

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