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Deep Learning: A Practical Introduction from an Android Dev Perspective

Droidcon SF 2019 | Deep Learning: A Practical Introduction from an Android Dev Perspective | Joaquim Verges

droidcon SF - Pluralsight course - Deep Learning: A Practical Introduction from an Android Dev Perspective
by droidcon SF

What you'll learn

Are you an Android developer interested in building your own Deep learning models but don't know where to start? That was Joaquim Verges a few months ago. Now, Joaquim wants to share lessons learned learned and provide an introduction to deep learning in a very practical way with no intimidating equations, just code. In this talk, you'll get a walk through of how to build your own models, the vocabulary, core concepts, how to set up an environment, how to transform data, and, finally, how to make it all to work in an Android app.

Table of contents

About the author

droidcon SF - Pluralsight course - Deep Learning: A Practical Introduction from an Android Dev Perspective
droidcon SF

droidcon SF is where the industry's leading Android experts converge to support the Android platform and create a strong network for developers and companies.

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