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Navigating Android Like a Pro

Droidcon SF 2019 | Navigating Android Like a Pro | Vivek Chanddru

droidcon SF - Pluralsight course - Navigating Android Like a Pro
by droidcon SF

What you'll learn

Ever since Google introduced Jetpack Navigation, there has been mixed reception on how to get it to work on existing or new projects. Navigation library underwent numerous changes in recent times and it is almost stable and caters to most needs. In this talk, Vivek Chanddru will talk about how to get Jetpack Navigation working for your apps from someone who tried it when it was first introduced and reverted back. You will learn about new features introduced in the Navigation 2.1 alpha and how to use those effectively in your apps, designing a single activity app, and how to use Nested graphs. When you complete this session, you will start loving fragments again and be ready to navigate your app like a pro.

Table of contents

About the author

droidcon SF - Pluralsight course - Navigating Android Like a Pro
droidcon SF

droidcon SF is where the industry's leading Android experts converge to support the Android platform and create a strong network for developers and companies.

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