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Getting Started With Elasticsearch for .NET Developers

This course will introduce users to Elasticsearch, how it works, and how to use it with .NET projects.

JP Toto - Pluralsight course - Getting Started With Elasticsearch for .NET Developers
by JP Toto

What you'll learn

Elasticsearch is a free, open source, distributed, real-time analytics and search engine. It's built to be used in environments where speed and availability are considered high priorities. This course will introduce users to Elasticsearch, do a walkthrough of a basic installation, and teach the user how to index data and query it efficiently. The course will then go on to teach more advanced querying techniques, filters, and analytics. Finally, the course will show users how to integrate Elasticsearch with their .NET projects using a basic console application example.

Table of contents

About the author

JP Toto - Pluralsight course - Getting Started With Elasticsearch for .NET Developers
JP Toto

JP is a recovering enterprise consultant now living in the SaaS software products world.

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