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Better Code Quality with ESLint

ESLint is a powerful tool for ensuring consistency and code quality across your entire team. This course will teach you how to get ESLint up and running quickly for your project and team, and how to customize it to fit your needs.

Jamis Charles - Pluralsight course - Better Code Quality with ESLint
by Jamis Charles

What you'll learn

When two or more Web Developers work on the same codebase, things can often get messy. Bad patterns can creep in, and it's not long before syntax errors unintentionally get committed. The larger the team, the worse the problem is. In this course, Better Code Quality with ESLint, you'll learn how to quickly get ESLint up and running for your team and projects. First, you'll discover how to get ESLint up and running in your project. Next, you'll cover custom tailoring ESLint to your needs and learn how to write shareable ESLint plugins and configurations. Then, you'll explore linting modern JavaScript like ES6 and ES7. Finally, you'll learn how to integrate ESLint into your editor. By the end this course, you'll be the ESLint expert on your team and you'll be writing custom rules to help your team enforce consistency and quality across their codebases.

Table of contents

About the author

Jamis Charles - Pluralsight course - Better Code Quality with ESLint
Jamis Charles

Jamis is a UI Engineer at PayPal. He writes client side JavaScript and Node.js all day for the Send Money app on paypal.com. He loves Front-End Ops (Metrics, monitoring, webpack, babel, ESLint), and React.js. He's spent a lot of time migrating legacy JS (backbone) to React & Redux. He loves the web, and every part of the web stack.

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