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Generative AI for Project Managers

Generative AI is being rapidly adopted by organizations of all sizes and varying missions. Successful project managers must learn how this technology can best be put to use in achieving their goals. This course will help you do just that.

Casey Ayers - Pluralsight course - Generative AI for Project Managers
by Casey Ayers

What you'll learn

Generative AI is being rapidly adopted by organizations of all sizes and varying missions. Successful project managers must learn how this technology can best be put to use in achieving their goals. This course will help you do just that. First, you’ll explore some examples of how project leaders are attempting to put GenAI to use. Then, you’ll learn about the benefits and potential pitfalls of using these models to accomplish project management tasks. From there, you’ll learn what kinds of tasks AI tools are best positioned to help you accomplish, and how you can serve as an advocate for responsible AI adoption in your organization.

Table of contents

About the author

Casey Ayers - Pluralsight course - Generative AI for Project Managers
Casey Ayers

Casey has experience leading projects, analyzing challenges, and designing solutions in many fields, including healthcare, digital media, mobile app development and education. He's always in pursuit of new knowledge and loves to share what he learns along the way with others. To inquire about speaking engagements or consulting opportunities, and to learn more about his other ventures, visit http://CaseyAyers.com

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