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Google Charts By Example

This course covers Google's Charting library, which allows developers to embed advanced charts in their web applications by leveraging a very straight-forward javascript API.

Paul O'Fallon - Pluralsight course - Google Charts By Example
by Paul O'Fallon

What you'll learn

In this course, we begin with a brief overview of key concepts. Next we iterate over several common chart types, including the pie chart, bar and column charts, line and area charts, and a combo chart. We then look at various sources of data, including server-side JSON and Google Spreadsheets. After exploring additional charts and advanced data table concepts, we wrap it all up by wiring together our own multi-chart dashboard from scratch.

Table of contents

About the author

Paul O'Fallon - Pluralsight course - Google Charts By Example
Paul O'Fallon

An Enterprise Architect by day and an open-source contributor by night, Paul has more than 19 years in the Information Technology industry spanning academic, start-up and enterprise environments.

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