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The Art of Speaking: Scott Hanselman

Scott Hanselman is put to the test: give a 15 minute talk on a new subject! How does he prepare? What are his secrets? Find out!

Scott Hanselman - Pluralsight course - The Art of Speaking: Scott Hanselman
by Scott Hanselman

What you'll learn

In this special production we put notable speaker, Scott Hanselman, to the test: learn CoffeeScript in 90 minutes, then present a 15 minute talk. We sit live with Scott as he probes the CoffeeScript documentation and designs his talk, walking us through his slide design process and code demos. Along the way we do what we do: throw curveballs and see how he handles the pressure.

Table of contents

About the author

Scott Hanselman - Pluralsight course - The Art of Speaking: Scott Hanselman
Scott Hanselman

Scott Hanselman is a programmer, teacher and speaker.

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