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Hardcore Functional Programming in JavaScript

Learn to apply techniques from the forefront of computer science research to solve practical problems in JavaScript.

What you'll learn

Learn to apply techniques from the forefront of computer science research to solve practical problems in JavaScript. Using real-world examples and practical exercises, Joe Nelson and Brian Lonsdorf demonstrate how functional programming allows you to write cleaner and more reusable code, while at the same time avoiding JavaScript “gotchas” like side effects and mutation. At the of the course, Joe and Brian build an example web app using abstract interfaces such as Monads, Functors, Monoids, and Applicatives. Course materials can be found at https://github.com/begriffs/immutube and https://docs.google.com/a/pluralsight.com/presentation/d/1WmIH538r0ubjW5zfKh43I1_Up4OnqQnNhICETyDnhSI/edit#slide=id.g338d117be_040

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