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Hosting SQL Server in Microsoft Azure IaaS Fundamentals

This course provides essential knowledge to IT Operations persons working in the Microsoft Azure environment to set up a basic version of SQL Server on Microsoft Azure IaaS.

Mike McKeown - Pluralsight course - Hosting SQL Server in Microsoft Azure IaaS Fundamentals
by Mike McKeown

What you'll learn

This course provides essential knowledge for IT Operations personnel to set up a basic installation of SQL Server on Microsoft Azure IaaS. Discussed are the different options for installing and configuring SQL Server in the Azure Cloud based upon your licensing and deployment requirements. The course explains how to configure supplemental data disks to improve your performance, and how to monitor and administer the SQL Server installation in Microsoft Azure IaaS.

Table of contents

About the author

Mike McKeown - Pluralsight course - Hosting SQL Server in Microsoft Azure IaaS Fundamentals
Mike McKeown

Mike spent almost two decades as an FTE with Microsoft in various roles such as Technical Evangelist, Trainer, Solution Integration Engineer, Consultant, and Programming/Writer. Today Mike is a Senior Cloud Solutions Architect with leading Microsoft Azure partner Aditi Technologies. He has been published many times on MSDN and MSJ and speaks at industry conferences.

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