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ICE Nodes Reference Library: Attribute

by Sunder Iyer

In this tutorial, we will be taking a detailed look at each of the Data Attribute nodes found in Softimage's Interactive Creative Environment. Software required: Softimage 7 and higher.

What you'll learn

In this tutorial, we will be taking a detailed look at each of the Data Attribute nodes found in Softimage's Interactive Creative Environment. Each video in this course is a self-contained tutorial centering on one of the nodes found in ICE within Softimage. This means that these tutorial can be viewed in any order you wish, allowing you to jump straight to the content that is most relevant to you. These tutorials will take a detailed look at each of the nodes found within the Data Attribute section of ICE and we'll learn how they can be used to speed up our workflow. Software required: Softimage 7 and higher.

About the author

Originally from Lagos, Nigeria, Sunder has made great headway in both the interactive game design and 3D animation worlds. Throughout his career, Sunder has earned degrees in computer information science, multimedia & game design, as well as 3D character animation. He's fully devoted to providing breathtaking and out-of-the-norm experiences to as many people as possible. With a powerful skillset in Houdini and years of educational clout, Sunder aims to give understandable solutions to complex to... more

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