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Integrating AWS IoT Core in Your Application

Learn how to select and configure services and use client code to design your IoT applications with IoT Core.

Alan Jones - Pluralsight course - Integrating AWS IoT Core in Your Application
by Alan Jones

What you'll learn

Deploying a fleet of IoT device using Amazon depends of a thorough knowledge of IoT code. In this course, Integrating AWS IoT Core in Your Application, you’ll learn how to select and configure services and use client code to design your IoT applications. First, using concise coding examples, you’ll learn all of the basic functionality of IoT Core. Next, you’ll explore how to keep your devices secure and updated. Finally, you’ll discover how to integrate all of the Core services into a complete application. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have a foundational knowledge of AWS IoT Core that will help you as you move forward to build your IoT product. Hardware/Software required: Raspberry Pi 3, SSH and SCP clients. Code editor of your choice.

Table of contents

About the author

Alan Jones - Pluralsight course - Integrating AWS IoT Core in Your Application
Alan Jones

Alan Jones has worked in software development for over 25 years. His latest interests are cloud (specifically Amazon Web Service) and Android app development.

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