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Cyber Security Awareness: The Internet of Things (IoT)

As people more and more come to rely on connectivity through the IoT, this course will raise and answer several key security concerns.

Tom Tobiassen - Pluralsight course - Cyber Security Awareness: The Internet of Things (IoT)
by Tom Tobiassen

What you'll learn

Have you joined the global movement of people who are connected through the IoT? If so, Cyber Security Awareness: The Internet of Things (IoT), is the course for you. First you'll take a quick look at the current cyber environment before addressing security concerns that come when dealing with kids, robots, health devices, smart cars, and drones. Finally you'll look at some protective measures that can be employed to better protect your interests.

Table of contents

About the author

Tom Tobiassen - Pluralsight course - Cyber Security Awareness: The Internet of Things (IoT)
Tom Tobiassen

Tom has a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from the University of Maryland. He has spent 42 years working in information systems with Digital Equipment Corporation, Lockheed Martin, and now Zeta Associates, Inc. Tom’s experience includes computer systems hardware design, construction, customer service, software engineering, network engineering and support, and most recently cyber security.

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