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Introduction to Enterprise Resiliency

This course is intended for IT managers, IT architects, system programmers, and system operations professionals. It is a high-level course that uses IBM Z architecture to demonstrate these concepts.

IBM - Pluralsight course - Introduction to Enterprise Resiliency
by IBM

What you'll learn

Resiliency is the ability to provide the required capability in the face of adversity, without significant impact. This is not something that just happens, but rather must be thoroughly planned for and tested, including, keeping hardware, the operating system, middleware, and applications up and running throughout planned and unplanned outages and recovering a site from an unplanned event without data loss.

Table of contents

About the author

IBM - Pluralsight course - Introduction to Enterprise Resiliency

IBM® can transform your application and data portfolio with innovative data privacy, security, and cyber resiliency capabilities – all delivered through a hybrid cloud.

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