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Introduction to Linux System Administration with IBM Power Systems

This course introduces administrative tasks that a system administrator can perform with Linux hosted on IBM Power servers. This includes virtualization concepts such as logical partitioning, installation of Linux, command-line operations, and more interesting administration and device management tasks.

IBM - Pluralsight course - Introduction to Linux System Administration with IBM Power Systems
by IBM

What you'll learn

This course introduces administrative tasks that a system administrator can perform with Linux hosted on IBM Power servers. This includes virtualization concepts such as logical partitioning, installation of Linux, command-line operations, and more interesting administration and device management tasks.

This course includes hands-on exercises with systems from an IBM data center.

Table of contents

About the author

IBM - Pluralsight course - Introduction to Linux System Administration with IBM Power Systems

IBM® can transform your application and data portfolio with innovative data privacy, security, and cyber resiliency capabilities – all delivered through a hybrid cloud.

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