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Introduction to Mantra in Houdini

Learn a time-saving workflow to Houdini's production-class renderer. Software required: Houdini 9.5 and up.

What you'll learn

Learn a time-saving workflow to Houdini's production-class renderer. Gain a firm understanding of the powerful rendering tools available in Mantra and learn fundamental techniques for micropolygon, raytracing, and physically-based rendering. Contains over 3.5 hours of project-driven training for artists new to Mantra. Popular highlights include: Mantra Overview; Working with Shaders; Rendering Methods; Environment Lights; Rendering in Passes; Rendering Multiple Channels; Deep Raster Output; Rendering to Different Files; Micropolygon Rendering; Raytracing; Physically Based Rendering; Global Illumination Techniques; Path-tracing; Final Gather; Ambient Occlusion; Image-based Lighting; Caustics; Shadows; Geometry Shaders; Outline Rendering with Wren; Volumetric Rendering; Mantra Archive; Depth of Field; 3D Motion Blur; Transform Motion Blurs; Deformation Motion Blurs; Velocity Motion Blurs; Compositing Techniques. Software required: Houdini 9.5 and up.

Table of contents