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Introduction to PFClean

In this PFClean tutorial, we'll take our first steps into Pixel Farm's film restoration software. Software required: Pixel Farm's PFClean 2014.3.

What you'll learn

In this PFClean tutorial, we'll take our first steps into Pixel Farm's film restoration software. PFClean is a restoration software that will allow the user to fix and restore damaged footage that is sampled via tapes or film. We'll learn how to navigate the software and its unique user interface. We'll also learn how to use the cutting tool and how to utilize the software's built in effects. By the end of the PFClean training, you'll be able to fix common issues that are commonly found in old footage, such as color fading, jittering, scratches, and issue with dirt. Software required: Pixel Farm's PFClean 2014.3.

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