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Introduction to scriptcs

Learn how scriptcs makes it easy to write and execute C# with a simple text editor.

Paul Bouwer - Pluralsight course - Introduction to scriptcs
by Paul Bouwer

What you'll learn

scritpcs is a new and exciting open source project that allows you to write and execute C# in your favorite text editor. This course provides an introduction to the concepts and use of scriptcs. Specifically, you'll learn how to install scriptcs, use the REPL, use scriptcs from your favorite text editor, manage dependencies with NuGet, and wrap up complex code in Script Packs.

Table of contents

About the author

Paul Bouwer - Pluralsight course - Introduction to scriptcs
Paul Bouwer

Paul is a Technical Evangelist for Microsoft and is based in Brisbane, Australia. He is also the creator of the scriptcs version manager project.

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