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Introduction to Space Planning and Design in Revit

In this series of lessons, you will learn basic concepts and tools you can use when designing and planning your interior spaces in Revit. Software required: Revit 2014.

What you'll learn

In this series of lessons, you will learn basic concepts and tools you can use when designing and planning your interior spaces in Revit.We'll begin by creating a block diagram in the conceptual massing environment, of our client's wants and needs . This will allow us to assign actual square footages and forms to each space in order to gain a better understanding of the most effective and efficient way to lay out our spaces. From there we'll create an area plan of the entire ground floor as well as an area plan of rentable spaces. Also, we'll create a color coded floor plan with a legend which will enhance the readability of our floor plans. And finally, we'll learn to really customize the design of a space by working with decals to create art and accessories as well as explore how to change the finishes of walls and floors. With these skills and tool sets you will be able to effectively communicate the design intent of any project handed your way. Software required: Revit 2014.

Table of contents