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Solve Math Problems with JavaScript

In this beginner course, you will learn JavaScript and build dynamic web pages that solve advanced high school math problems. This course is a great starting point for those new to programming or web development.

Terry Toy - Pluralsight course - Solve Math Problems with JavaScript
by Terry Toy

What you'll learn

If you're new to programming and want to learn JavaScript, this course is for you. In Solve Math Problems with JavaScript, you will learn core programming concepts such as variables, iteration, branching, and functions; then apply these skills to build interactive web pages that solve advanced high school level math problems. This project-based course works through nine problems of increasing difficulty, such as calculating factorials, simulating rolling dice, and estimating area under a polynomial curve. Each lesson covers the core math and programming concepts, then works through the solution step-by-step. This course is ideal for people who like math and want to learn programming or web development. By the end of this course, you will have a basic understanding of programming in Java and you'll have the skills needed to move onto learning more complex programming topics.

Table of contents

About the author

Terry Toy - Pluralsight course - Solve Math Problems with JavaScript
Terry Toy

Terry has over 15 years’ experience in software development from business applications to embedded systems. He has worked at a variety of government agencies and private firms including: California Senate, Office Legislative Counsel, and Space Systems Loral. In his spare time, Terry enjoys hiking and spending time with his family.

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