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Maya nParticle Fundamentals

Maya's nParticle System is a very powerful and easy to use simulation system that can be used for countless different effects. This course will introduce users to the basic functions and tools found within the nParticles toolset. Software required: Autodesk Maya 2017.

Peter Gend - Pluralsight course - Maya nParticle Fundamentals
by Peter Gend

What you'll learn

The nParticle System is an easy to use simulation system that can prove to be a very valuable asset to you. This course, Maya nParticle Fundamentals, will introduce you to the basic functions and tools you'll find when working within the nParticles toolset. First, you'll learn about working with Emitters, Particle Nodes, Fields, Colliders, and the Nucleus Solver. Next, you'll explore multiple particle types including point, ball, cloud, and water particles. Multiple rendering methods will be discussed including using Arnold and the Maya Hardware Renderer. Finally, after the basics have been covered, you will produce a project to showcase everything you've learned about the nParticle pipeline. By the end of this course, you'll know how to use Maya's nParticle System to create a huge variety of simulations. Software required: Autodesk Maya 2017.

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About the author

Peter Gend - Pluralsight course - Maya nParticle Fundamentals
Peter Gend

Peter is a CGI artist with many years of experience in the Film, Animation, and Video Game Industries.

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