- Core Tech
ng-bootstrap 3 Playbook
ng-bootstrap provides seamless integration between the latest versions of Angular and Bootstrap. This course will introduce you to every component in the ng-bootstrap library and show you how to easily use them in your own apps.
What you'll learn
ng-bootstrap provides a native Angular implementation for the rich components in the Bootstrap library, enabling great user experiences. In this course, ng-bootstrap 3 Playbook, you will learn how to fully utilize the ng-bootstrap library. First, you will see how to install ng-bootstrap into your own apps and get up and running quickly. Next, you will get familiar with how to use ng-bootstrap Forms and Structural components. Finally, you will explore ng-bootstrap Informational and Navigation components. When you're finished with this course, you will have the skills and knowledge of ng-bootstrap needed to fully leverage these awesome components in your apps.
About the author
Steve is a Principal Software Engineering Manager with Microsoft on the Azure Global Engineering team. Prior to joining Microsoft, he was a 7-time Microsoft ASP.NET MVP.
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