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ng-conf '19: It's Just a Compliment After All!

It’s just a compliment after all! | Katerina Skroumpelou

ng-conf - Pluralsight course - ng-conf '19: It's Just a Compliment After All!
by ng-conf

What you'll learn

Some compliments just don’t work. Being a woman in tech highlights this phenomenon in sometimes cringe-worthy ways. And in some cases, certain “compliments” are just inappropriate. So how do we make friendships and set the right tone for compliments? I will talk about ways to do this in a professional setting, where both the person sending the compliment and the person receiving the compliment get the benefit of the spirit in which the compliment was intended. You’ll be able to apply these ideas to anyone you work with, not just women. ng-conf is a three-day Angular conference focused on delivering the highest quality training in the Angular JavaScript framework. 1500+ developers from across the globe converge on Salt Lake City, UT every year to attend talks and workshops by the Angular team and community experts.

Table of contents

About the author

ng-conf - Pluralsight course - ng-conf '19: It's Just a Compliment After All!

ng-conf is the world's first and largest Angular conference.

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