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Node.js Microservices: Monitoring and Logging

by Julian Mateu

Effectively understand and control your Node.js microservices. This course will teach you to set up and utilize observability tools like ELK, Prometheus, Grafana, and Jaeger for enhanced monitoring, logging, and tracing.

What you'll learn

Take control of your Node.js microservices. In this course, Node.js Microservices: Monitoring and Logging, you’ll learn to effectively set up and utilize observability tools for your Node.js microservices. First, you’ll explore how to log and retrieve what’s going on in your system. Next, you’ll discover the power of metrics, dashboards, and automated alerts. Finally, you’ll learn how to trace user requests across your services . When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of observability needed to successfully debug, maintain, and improve your Node.js microservices.

About the author

Graduating as an Electronic Engineer degree from the University of Buenos Aires, and currently based in London, Julian has spent over 7 years in the Software Industry, from working with large tech companies like Amazon and Google, to dynamic startups. He began his career in mobile and robotics and eventually found his passion in backend development and cloud-based distributed systems. Julian is skilled in Java and Python, and designs, implements, and deploys software for distributed cloud system... more

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