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Using Workflow Management to Optimize Resource Allocation

This course covers four intermediate workflow processes and will teach you how to manage capacity, effectively manage a dynamic work backlog, properly allocate resources to prioritized workloads, and establish effective time reporting capabilities.

Paul Gadbois - Pluralsight course - Using Workflow Management to Optimize Resource Allocation
by Paul Gadbois

What you'll learn

In an ideal world, organizations should be able to confidently demonstrate that they have the right people with the right skills doing the right work at the right time. Unfortunately, one of the most challenging paradigms in business management is “too much work, too few workers.” As a result, leadership is forced to ask their people to do more with less. To deliver on expected results, management and their team members must find a consistent way to streamline and optimize the way they manage their workloads. In this course, Using Workflow Management to Optimize Resource Allocation, you will learn to design and implement four intermediate workflow management processes in your organization. First, you will explore establishing a capacity planning capability. Next, you will discover managing workload allocation. Then you will examine how to define a backlog management capability. Finally, you will learn how to leverage time reporting to improve workflow. When you are finished with this course, you will have the knowledge of using workflow management to optimize resource allocation needed to guide your organization in the implementation and adoption of these critical processes.

Table of contents

About the author

Paul Gadbois - Pluralsight course - Using Workflow Management to Optimize Resource Allocation
Paul Gadbois

Paul is a highly decorated IT Professional with over 14 years of experience in the areas of IT Training, IT Service Management, IT Infrastructure Management, and IT Security.

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