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Parent-Child Data with EF, MVC, Knockout, Ajax, and Validation

There are many tutorials that focus on one or two technologies involved in creating an interactive web application, but none cover all the elements of creating a complete solution that uses Entity Framework, MVC, Knockout, Ajax, jQuery validation, and concurrency tracking to roundtrip from client to server and back again. This training course teaches in a way you can easily understand and then apply these elements to your own projects.

Adam Churvis - Pluralsight course - Parent-Child Data with EF, MVC, Knockout, Ajax, and Validation
by Adam Churvis

What you'll learn

There are many tutorials that focus on one or two technologies involved in creating an interactive web application, but none cover all the elements of creating a complete solution that uses Entity Framework, MVC, Knockout, Ajax, jQuery validation, and concurrency tracking to roundtrip from client to server and back again. Even those that partially cover the technologies involved still do not cover the complexities of handling parent-child data models, such as sales orders and their associated line items. This training course teaches in a way you can easily understand and then apply these elements to your own projects.

Table of contents

About the author

Adam Churvis - Pluralsight course - Parent-Child Data with EF, MVC, Knockout, Ajax, and Validation
Adam Churvis

Adam Churvis is a software developer and quality assurance specialist with over twenty-five years of software industry experience. He is the President of Productivity Enhancement, a consulting, development, and testing firm. He works throughout the Microsoft stack but follows cool tech wherever it shows up, especially in robotics. Adam has co-authored three books on computer technology and has spoken at user groups throughout the United States.

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