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Play by Play: Docker for Web Developers with John Papa and Dan Wahlin

by John Papa and Dan Wahlin

In this Play by Play, learn how to integrate Docker into your development workflow and the benefits it offers.

What you'll learn

Docker can be a tremendous productivity booster for developers, with its rapid deployment of images that run consistently on any machine. In this Play by Play course, Dan Wahlin and John Papa walk you through the fundamentals of Docker and explore the benefits it can offer developers. You'll learn about using Docker Toolbox, the basics of Docker images and containers, and explore how the layered file system works in Docker. You'll also learn to customize images with a Dockerfile. Finally, you'll see how to use Docker Compose to integrate multiple containers, even on your development machine! The exercise files for this course are available at

About the authors

John Papa is a dedicated father and husband, a professional Web Developer, and professional storyteller in the technology community. He currently is a Partner GM for Microsoft leading the Growth Ecosystems Cloud Advocacy teams and has formerly worked for Disney on several web and mobile applications ans systems that you may have used. His passions are coding and teaching modern web technologies, running, and enjoying everything Disney with his family. John is a co-host of the Web Rush podcast... more

Dan Wahlin founded Wahlin Consulting, which provides consulting and training services on JavaScript, Angular, Node.js, C#, ASP.NET MVC, Web API, Docker, and Kubernetes. He is a Google GDE (and former Microsoft MVP and Regional Director), Docker Captain, and speaks at conferences and user groups around the world. Dan is active on Twitter (@DanWahlin), blogs at, and adds a lot of code to his Github repos at

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