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Play by Play: AngularJS Application Design with John Papa and Ward Bell

by Geoffrey Grosenbach, Ward Bell and John Papa

In this two hour live session, John and Ward discuss project requirements with a client before going deep into the application's user experience (UX).

What you'll learn

Have you ever wished that you could sit next to a skilled developer or designer as they develop an application from scratch at their own speed with their own choice of tools? In this series, we give talented developers a project and talk through it as they design and develop in real time for about 2 hours. Although neither John nor Ward are graphic designers, they are skilled software developers all the way from the backend database to the front end user experience. In this live session, they discuss project requirements with a client, then go deep into exploring possibilities for the application's screens, buttons, text, and workflow. At the end they begin coding a prototype with AngularJS. Whether you are a designer, a developer, or a project manager, you'll appreciate their wise insights and their skills in pulling a problem apart to see how a solution will work in the hands of the end user. Along the way you'll appreciate their sense of humor and camaraderie as they think through this problem out loud. Filmed live in Las Vegas on a Wednesday morning in the Fall of 2013.

About the authors

Geoffrey founded PeepCode and has created numerous courses on Ruby, JavaScript and Shell. He commits code at

Ward Bell is Vice President of Technology at IdeaBlade, where he is responsible for the product direction of the DevForce .NET application framework, a product targeting smart client development. That product extends the ADO.NET Entity Framework with n-tier, client caching, and Silverlight support. Ward misspent much of the last 30 years programming line-of-business applications for numerous companies including several of the Fortune 100..

John Papa is a dedicated father and husband, a professional Web Developer, and professional storyteller in the technology community. He currently is a Partner GM for Microsoft leading the Growth Ecosystems Cloud Advocacy teams and has formerly worked for Disney on several web and mobile applications ans systems that you may have used. His passions are coding and teaching modern web technologies, running, and enjoying everything Disney with his family. John is a co-host of the Web Rush podcast... more

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