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Fault Tolerant Web Service Requests with Polly

by Bryan Hogan

Polly is a resilience framework for .Net. With Polly, your applications will easily handle transient failures and longer outages in remote web services. This course will teach you how to use all the major features of Polly.

What you'll learn

Failures happen when calling remote services and handling these failures has never been easy. That was the case until the Polly project came along. Polly is a resilience framework for .Net. In this course, Fault Tolerant Web Service Requests with Polly, you will learn how to make your applications resilient to a wide range of failures and outages in remote services. First, you will learn to use the simple and very powerful retry policies. Next, you will see how to use some of the other policies offered by Polly like caching and fallback. You will also learn how to reuse policies across multiple applications and how to unit test everything. Finally, you will explore how to use the more advanced features of Polly - the circuit breaker and bulkhead isolation. By the end of the course, you will be able to use all the features of Polly to build robust applications that can tolerate short and long term outages in remote services.

Table of contents

Course Overview
Caching for Faster Responses and Better Performance
Where Do We Go from Here?

About the author

Bryan Hogan has been working in the tech industry for the past 17 years, most of which has been spent in the C# .NET world. He hosts a podcast, interviewing people in the tech industry from around the world and writes a blog. Prior to moving to Boston, Bryan lived in Budapest and Blagoevgrad, and frequently visited Berlin (he loves the letter “B”). In previous lives Bryan studied telecommunications, and worked on assistive technology to give blind and otherwise disabled students access to bo... more

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