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Testing Windows PowerShell with Pester

Testing should be integral to all IT activities. This course will show you how to create tests for your PowerShell scripts and modules using Pester, the new open source testing tool.

Robert Cain - Pluralsight course - Testing Windows PowerShell with Pester
by Robert Cain

What you'll learn

Having a good testing framework will ensure your PowerShell scripts function as designed, and will ensure they continue to work correctly after you make changes. In this course, Testing Windows PowerShell with Pester, you'll learn how to use Pester, the new open source testing tool, to create tests for all of your PowerShell scripts and modules. First, you'll start with seeing how to use Pester to test an existing code base. Then, Pester will be used to validate change requests to a module. Finally, you'll use Pester along with Test Driven Development to craft a brand new module. At the end of this course, you'll have the confidence to test and use your own PowerShell scripts in your own projects.

Table of contents

About the author

Robert Cain - Pluralsight course - Testing Windows PowerShell with Pester
Robert Cain

Robert C. Cain (arcanecode.com) is a Microsoft MVP, MCTS Certified in BI, and is the owner of Arcane Training and Consulting, LLC. He is also a course author for Pluralsight, team member at Linchpin People, and co-author of 4 books.

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