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Windows Server Administration Fundamentals Using PowerShell

by Adam Bertram

Unlock the power of PowerShell for Windows Server management. This course will teach you to automate key server roles for more efficient administration.

What you'll learn

Windows Server environments can be complex to manage manually. In this course, Windows Server Administration Fundamentals Using PowerShell, you'll learn to streamline your Windows Server management tasks using PowerShell. First, you'll explore transitioning from general PowerShell usage to specific Windows Server role management. Next, you'll discover how to manage remote servers securely. Finally, you'll delve into specialized tasks like DHCP and DNS management, file and storage services, print services, and backup operations. When you're finished with this course, you'll have the skills needed to automate and efficiently manage all major Windows Server roles.

About the author

Adam Bertram is a technical writer, independent consultant focused on PowerShell and cloud, and 6x Microsoft MVP. Adam specializes in PowerShell and all things IT automation.

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