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Protocol Deep Dive: DNS

Billions of number sets are impossible to remember, that's why DNS is critical to internal networks and the Internet. This course will teach you how DNS works from configuration to security. Packets will be analyzed with Wireshark at every step.

Betty DuBois - Pluralsight course - Protocol Deep Dive: DNS
by Betty DuBois

What you'll learn

Almost every application depends on DNS name resolution. Users just don’t want to memorize or lookup an IP address. In this course, Protocol Deep Dive: DNS, you’ll learn to use DNS in a variety of scenarios. First, you’ll explore DNS terminology and use cases. Next, you’ll discover how to configure DNS on a client for privacy using DNS over TLS and DNS over HTTPS. Then, you’ll investigate the different types of DNS zones, record and server types, and see subdomains and redirects in action to better understand their effect on a company. Finally, you’ll learn how to troubleshoot and secure DNS. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge needed to manage, troubleshoot, and secure DNS.

Table of contents

About the author

Betty DuBois - Pluralsight course - Protocol Deep Dive: DNS
Betty DuBois

Betty DuBois is a packet detective. She has been solving customer mysteries since 1997. She shares her passion by presenting at SharkFest, and being active in the Wireshark community.

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