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Publishing Progressive Web Apps

You have already published a Progressive Web App. This course will teach you how to distribute your PWA to all possible users without a browser manual installation, for enterprise users and end-users through the app stores.

Maximiliano Firtman - Pluralsight course - Publishing Progressive Web Apps
by Maximiliano Firtman

What you'll learn

You already have a Progressive Web App published, but some users are not installing it from the browser manually. In this course, Publishing Progressive Web Apps, you’ll learn to distribute your PWAs out of the manual installation from the browser without losing the advantages of the web platform. First, you’ll explore compatible app stores and enterprise distribution, and how to make a publishing plan. Next, you’ll discover Trusted Web Activities for Android and Google Play Store distribution. Finally, you’ll learn how to create distribution packages for AppStore for iOS and iPadOS, as well as for Windows using the Microsoft Store. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of creating launchers and packages needed to publish your Progressive Web Apps to enterprise and end-users outside of the browser.

Table of contents

About the author

Maximiliano Firtman - Pluralsight course - Publishing Progressive Web Apps
Maximiliano Firtman

Max Firtman is a mobile and web developer, trainer, speaker, and writer. He is a frequent speaker at conferences worldwide and he has been widely recognized for his work in the mobile-web community. He teaches mobile, HTML5, PWA and web performance trainings for top companies around the world.

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