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Programming Python Using an IDE

by Xavier Morera

Once you have learned the foundations of Python, the next step to increase your productivity is learning how to be proficient with a development environment or IDE. This course will help you get started.

What you'll learn

Learning and becoming proficient with Python is one of the best decisions a coder can make. The simplicity of Python, along with the many libraries available make it one of the most productive languages you can use.

This course, Programming Python Using an IDE, will help you use an IDE to take your coding skills one level higher!

First, you will explore the selection of popular IDEs and how they can help you improve your productivity. Next, you will learn about the many features that make IDEs great for creating applications including syntax highlighting, refactoring, code checking, and more. You will also discover some other features that help you run, debug, unit test, and source control your code. Finally, you will see how some IDEs have features that are meant for scientific Python and creating data science applications.

By the end of this course, you will know and understand how IDEs can help you be a more productive developer.

About the author

Xavier has a two passions. He loves the challenge of learning about complex topics and then sharing this newfound knowledge with others. The topics he is currently focused on are AI, ML, Generative AI, Search and Big Data. He is also an entrepreneur, project manager, technical author, trainer, and holds a few certifications with Cloudera, Microsoft, and the Scrum Alliance, along with having been awarted Microsoft MVP. He has spent a great deal of his career working on cutting-edge projects.... more

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