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Rails Rendering

This course teaches how to create a template handler, a custom renderer, and a file resolver for Rails, taking a deep dive into the Rails rendering stack along the way.

Noel Peden - Pluralsight course - Rails Rendering
by Noel Peden

What you'll learn

Have you ever been curious about that Rails magic? Have you found the code daunting? In this course, we will create a template handler, a custom renderer, and a file resolver. Along the way we will explore the Rails rendering stack and get a better handle on the Rails code, which will make the custom code work easy!

Table of contents

About the author

Noel Peden - Pluralsight course - Rails Rendering
Noel Peden

Noel Peden is a freelance Web Developer, System Admin, and IT Director who codes in Ruby, Rails, Javascript, HTML, and CSS for fun and profit.

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