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React and Flux for Angular Developers

An introduction to React and Flux geared towards Angular 1.x developers.

Tony Alicea - Pluralsight course - React and Flux for Angular Developers
by Tony Alicea

What you'll learn

This course introduces AngularJS developers to React and Flux, the front-end component library and architectural approach created by the team at Facebook. Learn how React differs from Angular 1.x, how Flux differs from MV*, and how Angular developers can switch to the React/Flux mindset.

Table of contents

About the author

Tony Alicea - Pluralsight course - React and Flux for Angular Developers
Tony Alicea

Tony is a software architect, web application developer, database designer, and user experience designer with 15 years of experience. His experience has ranged across technologies such as HTML5, CSS3, ASP.NET MVC, Javascript, jQuery, AngularJS, KnockoutJS, LESS, Bootstrap, SQL, Entity Framework, and more.

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