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Application Analysis with Snyk

Developer-centric security is the need of the hour. In this course, you will learn how to automatically detect and fix vulnerabilities in your code, open source dependencies, containers, and infrastructure-as-code with Snyk.

What you'll learn

Learning to use Snyk can help improve the security of software projects by identifying and addressing vulnerabilities in open-source packages and containers. In this course, Application Analysis with Snyk, you’ll learn about the benefits of using Snyk and its main functions. Next, you’ll apply how to detect vulnerabilities using techniques such as T1213.003, T1584.006, and T1593.003. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge to detect against the adversaries accessing code repositories or the ones that can compromise access to third-party web services that can be used during targeting, in an enterprise environment.

Table of contents