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SOLIDWORKS Essentials - Basic Drawings

by Jamie Kalb

Learn how to create 2D drawings for manufacturing and documentation of 3D parts in SOLIDWORKS. Software required: SOLIDWORKS 2016.

What you'll learn

Although SOLIDWORKS allows parts to be designed in 3D, typically 2D drawings are required for manufacturing. This course will explain how to use SOLIDWORKS's drawing tools to create these 2D drawings quickly and accurately. Software required: SOLIDWORKS 2016.

About the author

Jamie Kalb is an Application Engineer at GoEngineer supporting SOLIDWORKS and 3D printing. He regularly teaches classes on both basic and advanced usage of SOLIDWORKS. He has been involved in robotics for over 7 years, including competing and mentoring teams in the international FIRST and VEX robotics competitions and working at a marine robotics start-up. Jamie has over 8 years of experience with SOLIDWORKS, starting in high school when he used it to design robots for the FIRST Robotics Competi... more

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