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Data Cleansing 101: SQL Server Essentials

by Amruta Mahajan

Messy data and inconsistencies often lead to inaccurate conclusions and missed opportunities. This course will teach you to identify and resolve data inconsistencies, master essential cleansing techniques, and implement optimal maintenance practices.

What you'll learn

Often, you will come across messy data like duplicate entries, missing values, and inconsistent formats which will lead to inaccurate entries and unreliable analysis.

In this course, Data Cleansing 101: SQL Server Essentials, you’ll gain the ability to cleanse your data in SQL Server database, ensuring clean, reliable data for accurate analysis and confident decision-making.

First, you’ll sharpen your skills to identify and diagnose common data quality issues like duplicates, missing values, and formatting inconsistencies.

Next, you’ll explore powerful SQL queries and functions to remove duplicates, handle missing values, standardize formats, and transform your data into a pristine powerhouse.

Finally, you’ll discover essential best practices for data maintenance, preventing future data quality issues, and maintaining ongoing data integrity.

When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge you need to conquer data quality in SQL Server and unlock the full potential of your data for accurate analysis and confident decisions.

About the author

Amruta is an experienced Data Analyst with over 12 years of experience in interpreting and analyzing data to drive successful business outcomes. She loves tackling hard problems using data manipulation as her superpower and has worked with market leaders from various fields including Standard & Poors, McDonalds, Mondelez International, General Electric, AMD and Beam Suntory. Amruta is passionate about both teaching and learning and believes “The purpose of life is to discover your gift. The work... more

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