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How to Start and Run a Successful Freelancing Business

This course offers a very to-the-point, no-fluff strategy on how to build and run your very own freelancing business. It covers everything from getting clients, managing your projects, and dealing with the many problems a freelancer faces.

Doru Catana - Pluralsight course - How to Start and Run a Successful Freelancing Business
by Doru Catana

What you'll learn

Have a skill that you want to turn into a business? Great. This course will help you get from thinking about starting your own freelancing business to actually doing it. It is not built on idealistic scenarios but is based on my own experience of running such a business for over five years--going through good times where I had to hire five people in one week but also bad times where I had to fire two very good people. Also, it covers things like what tools to use, how to manage your projects and how to deal with difficult clients--but, most importantly, it covers how to get clients.

Table of contents

About the author

Doru Catana - Pluralsight course - How to Start and Run a Successful Freelancing Business
Doru Catana

Doru founded and runs a marketing agency with global clients in a wide range of industries. His focus is on campaigns that convert and get new business through the door, not feel good campaigns. In terms of approach he believes in authentic and blunt advertising without the presence of small print.

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