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Prototyping Game Systems for Swords and Shovels

Prototyping is a vital skill for all game developers. This course will teach you the basics of prototyping game systems, including designing, scripting, and testing the new systems, as well as integrating them into an existing game loop.

MJ Johns - Pluralsight course - Prototyping Game Systems for Swords and Shovels
by MJ Johns

What you'll learn

Prototyping is a valuable part of the development process that all games benefit from. In this course, Prototyping Game Systems for Swords and Shovels, you will learn skills and techniques for prototyping systems to integrate with an existing game loop. First, you will learn to dissect a design document and assess the design needs of the project. Next, you will explore the new systems in the existing project. Finally, you will discover how to playtest the prototype and make changes based on player feedback. When you are finished with this course, you will have a fundamental understanding of prototyping that will help you integrate new gameplay into a larger project. Software required: Unity 3D.

Table of contents

About the author

MJ Johns - Pluralsight course - Prototyping Game Systems for Swords and Shovels
MJ Johns

MJ is a game developer and experienced designer, who's passionate about using games to create a better future.

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