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Teaching Kids Programming with C#

Use this course to teach your kids to program with C#.

Lynn Langit - Pluralsight course - Teaching Kids Programming with C#
by Lynn Langit
Llewellyn Falco - Pluralsight course - Teaching Kids Programming with C#
by Llewellyn Falco

What you'll learn

This course is the first lesson from the Teaching Kids Programming courseware library. It has been designed especially for the Pluralsight audience. You can use Visual Studio to teach your own kids to program in C#. In this lesson kids will learn about objects, methods, variables & for loops in a fun and creative way.

Table of contents

About the authors

Lynn Langit - Pluralsight course - Teaching Kids Programming with C#
Lynn Langit

Lynn Langit has been working with data for over 14 years. She is an architect, author and popular speaker on SQL Server, Google Cloud, Hadoop, MongoDB and more.

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Llewellyn Falco - Pluralsight course - Teaching Kids Programming with C#
Llewellyn Falco

Llewellyn is an agile coach, creator of approval tests, and co-founder of TeachingKidsProgramming.

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