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A Tour of RavenDB

Oren Eini shows Rob Conery RavenDB.

Ayende Rahien (Oren Eini) - Pluralsight course - A Tour of RavenDB
by Ayende Rahien (Oren Eini)

What you'll learn

In this production, Oren Eini walks Rob through the various aspects of RavenDB - from the basics through to advanced Administrative Tasks. Along the way you'll learn how to query with the core Lucene engine, how to index your documents for searches, backups, sharding, replication to SQL Server, and how to plug all of this in to an ASP.NET MVC application.

Table of contents

About the author

Ayende Rahien (Oren Eini) - Pluralsight course - A Tour of RavenDB
Ayende Rahien (Oren Eini)

Oren Eini is an independent consultant based in Israel. His main focus is on architecture and best practices that promote quality software and zero-friction development.

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