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Tracking Using SynthEyes and Maya

Throughout this SynthEyes and Maya tutorial, we'll learn how to make use of one point tracking. Software required: SynthEyes 2011, Maya 2013.

Edith Clara - Pluralsight course - Tracking Using SynthEyes and Maya
by Edith Clara

What you'll learn

Throughout this SynthEyes and Maya tutorial, we'll learn how to make use of one point tracking. When there is not enough detail in objects, tracking software has limitations. We'll begin with properly setting up our project in SynthEyes and after tracking a single point on our object we'll learn how to export our data into Maya. In Maya, we'll set up a hierarchy for our single tracked point. Using this hierarchy we can find a solution to some of the more complicated matchmoves in visual effects. By the end of this SynthEyes and Maya training, you will have learned an advanced object tracking technique which can be used for matchmoving. Software required: SynthEyes 2011, Maya 2013.

Table of contents

About the author

Edith Clara - Pluralsight course - Tracking Using SynthEyes and Maya
Edith Clara

Edith Clara has worked as a visual effects artist in many LA studios where her credits as a CG artist range from commercials and network television to films.

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