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Unit Testing in Ruby

This course will teach you how to configure and use RSpec to test existing Ruby code.

Anthony Alampi - Pluralsight course - Unit Testing in Ruby
by Anthony Alampi

What you'll learn

There are a number of different programming languages to choose from when building web projects. A powerful option is the Ruby programming language! But your work doesn’t end after development is completed; you also need to test your Ruby app for errors. In this course, Unit Testing in Ruby, you’ll learn to utilize RSpec to test your code, adhering to Ruby best practices.. First, you’ll explore the basic concepts surrounding unit testing. Next, you’ll discover how to configure RSpec and use it to run code, leveraging Rspec’s helpers and setup capabilities for creating realistic scenarios. Finally, you’ll learn how to incorporate more advanced testing techniques, such as using pry, simplecov, and mocks/stubs. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge to fully test a Ruby project with RSpec.

Table of contents

About the author

Anthony Alampi - Pluralsight course - Unit Testing in Ruby
Anthony Alampi

I'm Anthony Alampi, an interactive designer and developer living in Austin, Texas. I'm a former professional video game developer and current web design company owner.

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