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Cinematic Design in Unity with Cinemachine and Timeline

Unity is a great program to use for creating and integrating cut scenes into your game. This course will teach you how to create cut scenes with Unity, starting at the pre-production phase.

Joy Horvath - Pluralsight course - Cinematic Design in Unity with Cinemachine and Timeline
by Joy Horvath

What you'll learn

Cut scenes are an excellent way to communicate important information to your players while adding extra polish to your game, but developers often don’t know where to start when it comes to designing and implementing them. In this course, you'll learn the principles of narrative design and how to create cut scenes using Unity. First, you’ll review design documents to understand what you need to tell the player in the scene, and storyboard out your designs. Then, you’ll move into Unity and use Timeline and Cinemachine to recreate your storyboard in the engine. Finally, you’ll take these new tools a step further by building a small triggered cut scene event. By the end of this series, you’ll feel more confident about designing cut scenes for your own game, and using the suite of cinematic tools available in Unity.

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About the author

Joy Horvath - Pluralsight course - Cinematic Design in Unity with Cinemachine and Timeline
Joy Horvath

Joy Horvath is a game developer and Instructional Designer at Unity Technologies.

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