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Using ICE to Create a Holographic Display in Softimage

Throughout these lessons, we will create a holographic display using ICE particles in Softimage. Software required: Softimage 2013, 3ds Max 2013, FumeFX 3.

Francis St-Denis - Pluralsight course - Using ICE to Create a Holographic Display in Softimage
by Francis St-Denis

What you'll learn

Throughout these lessons, we will create a holographic display using ICE particles in Softimage. Using ICE, we will create an explosion of particles while learning about some of the nodes used in the process. In order to create smoke using FumeFX, we will cache our simulation into files, export the scene out of Softimage and then import it into 3ds Max. By the end of this training you will be able to use these tools and techniques in your visual effects projects. Software required: Softimage 2013, 3ds Max 2013, FumeFX 3.

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About the author

Francis St-Denis - Pluralsight course - Using ICE to Create a Holographic Display in Softimage
Francis St-Denis

Francis St-Denis is a Montreal based CG artist that has been working in the film and publicity fields since 2006.

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