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Visual Studio Data Tools for Developers

This course covers the data tools available for developers within Visual Studio.

Deborah Kurata - Pluralsight course - Visual Studio Data Tools for Developers
by Deborah Kurata

What you'll learn

Do you work with a database as part of your development tasks? This course covers the data tools available for developers within Visual Studio. These tools, called SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) allow you to perform database tasks, create and manage database scripts, and easily deploy database changes all from within Visual Studio. Enjoy!

Table of contents

About the author

Deborah Kurata - Pluralsight course - Visual Studio Data Tools for Developers
Deborah Kurata

Deborah Kurata is a software developer, consultant, Pluralsight author, Google Developer Expert (GDE), and Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP). Follow her on twitter: @deborahkurata

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