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What You Think You Know About GenAI—and Why It’s Wrong

by Pluralsight Navigate

Spend some quality time with Pluralsight Principal Author Simon Allardice as he skips right over all the same-old tired buzzword topics and helps uncover the not-so-obvious insights we've been missing.

What you'll learn

Spend some quality time with Pluralsight Principal Author Simon Allardice as he skips right over all the same-old tired buzzword topics and helps uncover the not-so-obvious insights we've been missing.

Table of contents

What you think you know about GenAI—and why it’s wrong

About the author

Pluralsight Navigate is an exclusive in-person annual summit that connects tech executives and learning leaders with like-minded peers and innovators for live keynotes and conversations that address the challenges they face daily. This event is dedicated to leaders from across the globe that help tech teams build better, featuring powerhouse innovators who are empowering technology teams and leading through the digital disruptions of today. Leaders—from startups to enterprises—come together to l... more

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